Welcome to phpFido. for more details visit our SourceForge.net project home page


What is the goal of this project?
The goal of PHP Fido is to provide a web interface to the backend records required to track all feral site, adoption, and fostering information used when rescuing animals in the "wild." For most organizations the "wild" is a parking lot in the city where stray cats, dogs, and other animals congregate. These organizations often track hundreds of animals and are mostly volunteer based.

What is the scope of this project?
PHP Fido is being built to fill a niche market for not-for-profit animal rescue organizations. At any given installation we do not expect the userbase to exceed 25 people.

What are high-level features you are sure to build?

What are the high-level assumptions or ground rules for the project?
PHP Fido will be developed using PHP and MySQL. PEAR::PHP will be leveraged whenever possible and ADODB will be the basis for database access. Basic authentication and authorization will be used to admit each user. SSL will not be used for the initial release. No plans exist for internationalization.

The initial release is aimed at functionality and not aesthetics. Based on the inital user

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